
PicoCTF2013 Overflow3 Writeup

問題編 問題文 Category: Binary Exploitation Points: 120 Description: Stack overflows are the most basic binary exploitation technique, but they take a lot of skill to master. If you already know some C, these problems can help acquaint you…

PicoCTF2013 Overflow2 Writeup

問題編 問題文 Category: Binary Exploitation Points: 100 Description: Stack overflows are the most basic binary exploitation technique, but they take a lot of skill to master. If you already know some C, these problems can help acquaint you…

PicoCTF2013 Overflow1 Writeup

ROP3が難しすぎるので、Overflow1を先に解くことに。 問題編 問題文 Category: Binary Exploitation Points: 90 Description: Stack overflows are the most basic binary exploitation technique, but they take a lot of skill to master. If you already …

PicoCTF2013 ROP2 Writeup

前回に引き続き、PicoCTF2013の問題。今回はROP2。 問題編 今回もソースコード付きの問題。 前回と比べて差分もちょっとだけで、system関数を使っているところは同じだが、/bin/bash文字列が別の場所に定義されている。 # diff -b ../ROP1/rop1.c rop2-20f65…